Rosebud Yacht Club

Race Courses


Rosebud yacht clubs racing area


Division 1 Catamarans – All Catamarans (class flag – numeral one) – consists of 3 windward-return laps.
Start AC AC AC Y – Finish

Aggregate series Division 1 Catamarans - All Catamarans (class flag - numeral one) - consists of 3 windward-return laps. Start AC AC AC Y - Finish

Aggregate series

Division 2 Monohulls – All monohulls up to and including Yardstick 131 (class flag -numeral two) – consists of triangle, windward-return.
Start ABC AC Y – Finish

Aggregate series Division 2 Monohulls - All monohulls up to and including Yardstick 131 (class flag -numeral two) - consists of triangle, windward-return. Start ABC AC Y - Finish

Aggregate series, Vice Commodore series and Commodore series
Division 3 Juniors or Green fleet – All monohulls with a Yardstick over 131 (class flag – numeral three) and Green Fleet Competitors- consists of one triangle.
Start ABC Y – Finish

Aggregate series Division 3 Juniors or Green fleet - All monohulls with a Yardstick over 131 (class flag – numeral three) and Green Fleet Competitors- consists of one triangle. Start ABC Y - Finish


Division 1 Catamarans – All Catamarans (class flag – numeral one) – consists of 3 triangle laps.
Start ABC ABC ABC Y – Finish

Vice Commodore series Division 1 Catamarans - All Catamarans (class flag - numeral one) - consists of 3 triangle laps. Start ABC ABC ABC Y - Finish

Vice Commodore series
Division 2 Monohulls – All monohulls up to and including Yardstick 131 (class flag -numeral two) – consists of two triangles.
Start ABC ABC Y – Finish

Vice Commodore series<br />
Division 2 Monohulls - All monohulls up to and including Yardstick 131 (class flag -numeral two) - consists of two triangles.<br />
Start ABC ABC Y - Finish

Commodore series
Division 1 Catamarans – All Catamarans (class flag – numeral one) – consists of
Start ABC AC ABC Y -Finish

Commodore series<br />
Division 1 Catamarans - All Catamarans (class flag - numeral one) - consists of<br />
Start ABC AC ABC Y -Finish

Commodore series
Division 2 Monohulls – All monohulls up to and including Yardstick 131 (class flag -numeral two) – consists of:
Start ABC AC Y – Finish

Commodore series<br />
Division 2 Monohulls - All monohulls up to and including Yardstick 131 (class flag -numeral two) - consists of:<br />
Start ABC AC Y - Finish

Division 1 Catamarans – All Catamarans (class flag – numeral one) – consists of 3 laps as such:
Start 1, 2s/2p, 1, 2s/2p, 1, 2s/2p, Y, Finish

Division 2 Monohulls – All monohulls up to and including Yardstick 131 (class flag -numeral two) – consists two laps as such:
Start 1, 2s/2p, 1, 2s/2p, Y, Finish

Division 3 Juniors or Green fleet – All monohulls with a Yardstick over 131 (class flag – numeral three) and Green Fleet Competitors- consists one lap as such:
Start 1, 2s/2p, Y, Finish

Division 1 Catamarans – All Catamarans (class flag – numeral one) – consists of 4 laps of a square course with mark roundings as such:

Division 2 Monohulls – All monohulls up to and including Yardstick 131 (class flag -numeral two) – consists of 3 laps of a square course with mark roundings as such:
Start ABCD ABCD ABCD Y – Finish

Division 3 Juniors or Green fleet – All monohulls with a Yardstick over 131 (class flag – numeral three) and Green Fleet Competitors- consists one lap of a square course with mark roundings as such:
Start ABCD Y – Finish

All divisions shall start at the same time.
The course remains the same for each division:
Start – A – Finish
At the start, all boats sail to the windward (‘A’) mark. When the first boat reaches this mark, all boats turn and return to the finish in a sprint to the end.
For this special event, the finish line will also be the start line.
This series will be decided on scratch (no yardstick/handicap).
It is expected that all skippers shall sail in good sportsmanship and push their boats to the best of their ability in both directions. Skippers are directed to RRS Fundamental Rule 2.

Boats shall all sail the same large triangular course, regardless of division. Target race time is 65 minutes. To limit the field, boats shall have an Australian Sailing Yardstick of less than 127.5.
Course: ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC. For ease of course layout and fleet management, this is the biggest triangle that can possibly be set, regardless of the conditions.
Start times will be determined on a handicap basis, at the discretion of the handicapper.
The finish shall be determined by who is the lead boat in their division when the 65 minute time limit expires. Boats do not have to complete the full course, they just need to keep sailing for the full time. There shall only be first place – all other boats will be recorded DNF. To determine who is the lead boat, the committee vessel shall drive the rumbline and determine who is the lead boat at the conclusion of the 65 minutes.
Starting sequence for this race will be a 3-minute sequence, as per normal racing, for the initial start, regardless of if there is a first boat at that time or not. The onus then remains on the skipper to know their timing for the correct minute/second start. In the event that a boat starts early (according to the starting boat), the start boat shall fly an individual recall flag and a sound signal may accompany this flag.

This novelty race will start from the beach. All boats have at least one person start behind a line drawn in the sand in the vicinity of the club, who will then run to their boat and sail the relevant course to their division. For safety reasons no boat shall move out of their ‘lane’ (sailing line) until everyone is clear of the white poles, therefore you cannot tack/gybe/force people up etc. This is due to swimmers having right of way, but also sandbars.
This will be a common start.
Division 1 Catamarans – All Catamarans (class flag – numeral one) – consists of
Start AC ABC AC ABC Y – Finish
Division 2 Monohulls – All monohulls up to and including Yardstick 131 (class flag -numeral two) – consists of:
Start AC ABC AC Y – Finish
Division 3 Juniors or Green fleet – All monohulls with a Yardstick over 131 (class flag – numeral three) and Green Fleet Competitors- consists of:
Start AC Y – Finish

CAPEL SOUND INVITATIONAL – ‘The Battle for the Bar’:

Marks of the course:
‘Club Mark’ is designated as a mark of the course in the vicinity of either the Rosebud or Rye yacht clubs (outer dots). All club marks are to be passed to port.
‘Gate’ is a common gate that all boats must pass between located approximately in the waters of the Violet St, located halfway between both clubs (see map – middle dot).
‘Rounding Mark’ is a mark separate for junior (division 4) boats ONLY. Images will be supplied prior to race start, and will be passed to port. All Division 1, 2 and 3 boats shall ignore this mark at all times.

Division 1 Catamarans – All Catamarans (class flag – numeral one) – consists of 2 laps of a distance course, sailed between the waters of Rosebud YC and Rye YC. Approx. course length is 24km.
Start – gate, club mark, gate, club mark, gate, club mark, gate, finish.

Division 2 Monohulls – All monohulls (class flag – numeral two) – consists of 1 lap of a distance course, sailed between the waters of Rosebud YC and Rye YC. Approx. course length is 12km.
Start – gate, club mark, gate, finish.

Division 3 – Foilers – any craft capable of foiling (class flag – numeral three) – consists of 3 laps of a distance course, sailed between the waters of Rosebud YC and Rye YC. Approx. course length is 36km
Start – gate, club mark, gate, club mark, gate, club mark, gate, club mark, gate, club mark, gate, finish.

Division 4 Juniors – All beginner monohulls (class flag – numeral four) – consists of ½ a lap of a distance course, sailed between the waters of Rosebud YC and Rye YC. Approx. course length is 6km. Juniors are to start and finish in the water of their own club. There will be a separate rounding mark placed on the inside (beach side) edge of the gate for juniors to round. This will be a separate mark in both location and style – images will be supplied prior to race start.
Start – rounding mark, finish.

Sign on/sign off:
Boats are to sign on/off at the club of their choosing, according to the manor that the relevant club prefers. All rescue craft shall be given a copy of all entrants prior to race start.

The start:
Boats will start with a common start on a 3-minute sequence. They may start from either club on a simultaneous start, with rescue boats in communication for the start sequence.
For ease of management, all divisions will have the same start flag – Code Flag C.

The course:
Boats will sail either a half, one, two or three laps, depending on division. After starting, all boats (except division 4) must pass through the common gate in both directions for the duration of the race. This gate will be manned by a rescue craft. Marks at either end of the course shall be left to port.

The direct path for this course would take boats along the edge of the blue water – no mark shall be placed out to sea.

Any boat that crosses the shipping channel shall be scored DSQ without hearing.

A boat may cross inside the 5 knot markers, however be advised of sandbars and swimmers. Speed limits, enforced by Victoria police, apply.

The finish:
Boats are to finish out the front of their yacht club that they started from.

Shortened course:
In the event of a shortened course, code flag ‘S’ may be flown from either the common gate in the middle of the course, or the duty boat at each end. Once passing this flag, the boat is then to finish at their respective ‘started’ club.
The onus remains on the skipper of each yacht to know when the flag applies to them.
In the event that a shortened course flag is flown from a club mark out the front of the respective boats’ starting club, that boat shall finish at that mark in accordance with the finishing instructions.

To finish correctly boats must pass between the start/finish buoy and the tower of their respective club. At Rosebud this will leave the buoy on the port side, at Rye this will leave the mark on the starboard side. The onus remains on the skipper to ensure that they have passed through a finish line correctly.

All duty boats and support craft shall have an appropriate radio tuned to VHF 71
All boats competing shall carry 500ml of fresh, potable water, per person.

Separate divisions may be created for boats where 5 or more of the same class enter. This remains at the discretion of the race committee.

First, second and third trophies will be awarded for each division.
A perpetual shield will be awarded to the winning club (between Rye and Rosebud) with the lowest overall elapsed time on yardstick.

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0439 611 994


990 Point Nepean Rd, Rosebud VIC 3939
