Worth a read…

2 years ago I stood before you at Opening Day and outlined my 4-step plan to build the club – Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action.
Last year I stood up and said that it was about More people in the water, in More ways, More often.

This year, even though we are not at Opening Day, I am thrilled to announce to you this year’s plan. Because I want you to be a part of it from now, and help to build the club and make it beautiful for next year.

Welcome to the (r)Evolution.

A long time ago, Rosebud was at the pinnacle of club and race management on the peninsula. We are building to that again, and while everybody wants a revolution to happen overnight, it times time. Sometimes it can be painfully slow, but it does get there. Sometimes things might even seem to get worse before they get better. And now the wheel comes around once more, full circle, as a complete revolution.

Only this time, it’s more about Evolution. We are going to evolve into something bigger and better. For you, for me, for us.

So this season it’s about building our capacity, on and off the water.

The works forecast this off season include new showers for both mens and womens, new ceilings, lights and fans in the clubrooms, new balustrading for the deck, a restored rescue trailer, a restored flagpole for the tower, a canteen freshen up and some more kayak storage.

On the water, we will be having rescue boat training days, sail faster training courses held over Summer (a full day this time), and thanks to a suggestion from a member, a solid focus on fun during the inaugural 14ft Cat Regatta. Yes, you read that right – all you people who have a 14ft catamaran in the yard (looking at you, flotilla of Hobies!) are now able to enter a regatta solely for you. It doesn’t matter if you are a Hobie, Windrush, Alpha Omega or Nacra, as long as your cat doesn’t exceed 14ft, you can get out there and compete against each other. registering now


The review

The review

The reviewThe day started with a wonderful northerly, with winds varying from 5 to 15 knots. But more importantly, for the first time this season we said a big hello to the waves from Melbourne.We went up.We went down.We went back.We went forth.Side to side.....excuse...

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On to the race

On to the race

On to the raceShortly after the start, a solid wind shift made the windward leg more of a shy reach, which meant you could power towards the top end. Just make sure to allow for the tide - it was PUMPING past the mark in true, light-winds-at-Rosebud fashion. And once...

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FOLLOW THAT BOAT!What. A. Day.It began with a steady 12knots of breeze and a lumpy sea state, but that didn't dissuade the juniors. Out they went in what was the best conditions of the day, putting everything together to show off some epic talent. The biggest moment...

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Why should I travel?

Why should I travel?

Why should I travel?On the morning of attending another event at another yacht club, I thought it might be wise to send you all an email to say WHY I travel to other venues and enter competitions. And the answer is really two-fold. The first and simplest part is to...

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Australia Day

Australia Day

Australia DayThis Sunday sees us mark a very special occasion at Rosebud Yacht Club. Yes, Australia Day is happening on Friday, and then Triple J's Hottest 100 on Saturday, but importantly we will all be at the club for a wonderful lunch (meat pie and a jam lamington...

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0439 611 994


990 Point Nepean Rd, Rosebud VIC 3939

